Kat Bell, a survivor of severe child abuse and multiple adult domestic violence situations, has overcome immense challenges to create a beautiful life for herself. As a 51-year-old paralegal who has lost almost 100lbs and regained her health through hiking and DDP Yoga, Kat’s passion for the Appalachian Trail has been a driving force in her life for the past five years. Prior to age 47, she hadn’t hiked a day in her life, but since 2021, she has been an avid hiker and Trail Angel. Having section hiked the first 167 miles of the trail one weekend at a time, she has set her sights on completing the entire 2181 miles of the AT. Kat’s dream is to thru-hike from Springer to Mt. Katahdin to show other abuse survivors that it is possible to thrive and achieve their dreams, no matter their past traumas.
Kat’s deep love for the Appalachian Trail and her desire to inspire others through her journey have led her to apply for a scholarship from One More Day on the AT. “I want to one day hike the entire Appalachian Trail not just for myself, but to show ALL abuse survivors that you CAN develop CONFIDENCE, self-worth, and the ability to do hard things and achieve your dreams… even if your whole life people told you that you are nothing and nobody. Even if the voice in your head calls you an imposter. Even if you think people look at you as too fat, too thin, too weak…”
Through this hike, she will be sharing her story and spreading hope and encouragement along the way. Kat aims to inspire others to believe in themselves and pursue their own dreams, no matter the obstacles they may encounter.